Consulting Services

Unlock Accurate Property Value Insights with Expert Consulting.

Your Real Estate Decisions, Tailored for Success

At Square One Appraisals, we understand that the foundation of a sound real estate investment rests on the bedrock of precise and truthful property valuation. We're not just appraisers; we're your strategic partners in Idaho, Washington, and Oregon, delivering accurate insights and tailored solutions for every appraisal need.
Why Choose Square One?

Second Opinions You Can Trust: Doubting a current appraisal? Our transparent review will provide the clarity you need.

Expert Analysis of Past Appraisals: Think you might have missed out? We'll navigate through previous assessments with a fine-tooth comb.

All-Round Property Appraisal Mastery: From residential to commercial properties, our comprehensive expertise is your advantage..

Consulting Expertise

Reappraisal Services

Don’t let past appraisals dictate your future decisions. Let Square One Appraisals provide you with a strategic reassessment that optimizes your real estate portfolio.

Second Opinion Analysis

Ensure that your property’s worth is accurate. Gain peace of mind and a safeguard against uncertainty with our authoritative second opinions.

Valuation Consultation

Our resolve to give you the best possible outcome is unparalleled. Trust in our full suite of appraisal services to support your investment journey.

Client Review

"Square One's team provided insightful advice that transformed the way I view property investment. Their comprehensive analysis was a game-changer."

-Adam Sweet, owner of Two Brothers Moving 

Complex Ownership, Simplified